Nursing career opportunities are expanding fast, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting 7% growth in the coming decade. While that’s no guarantee of future work, nursing jobs are expected to outpace the average of all other career fields! As with any medical profession, nurses require plenty of education and training, which can get expensive.
Luckily there are a ton of organizations out there offering nursing scholarships and loan forgiveness programs. Applying for scholarships can be time-consuming, so we’ve put together a list of the ones worth over $5,000. Now you can focus your efforts on nursing scholarships offering the most funding for your education!
Tips When Applying To These Scholarships
To ensure you maximize each application, here’s a brief overview of tips to remember!
Screen the eligibility requirements – Before you spend a ton of time reading the fine print for each scholarship, screen it to make sure you meet basic eligibility. Eliminate all the scholarships you don’t qualify for before moving on to your list of ones to apply for.
Customize your application – Organizations that sponsor scholarships usually receive a lot of applications competing for only a handful of awards. To stand out from the crowd, your application must be error-free, compelling, and specific. Read their website and tailor your application to demonstrate why they should select you based on how your goals align with their mission.
Apply on time – Nothing is worse than finding the perfect scholarship but then forgetting to apply before the deadline. If you’re using a spreadsheet to keep track of the scholarships you plan to apply for, make sure to include the dates. That way, you can filter your list based on the application cutoff and prioritize accordingly.
Nursing Scholarships Worth Over $5,000 You Should Apply For
1. McKnight Doctoral Fellowship Program
The Florida Education Fund offers up to 50 Fellowships for African-American and Hispanic PhD students enrolling at a participating Florida college. Awards include $5,000 for up to three academic years of tuition expenses, plus a $12,000 stipend. Nursing degrees are among the eligible areas of study listed. Visit their website for full details, a list of participating institutions, and application guidance.
2. Ann Olson Memorial Doctoral Scholarship
The Oncology Nursing Foundation (ONF) is supported by Pfizer and dedicated to oncology nurses interested in pursuing a research doctoral degree (PhD or DNSc) or clinical doctoral degree (DNP). ONF sponsors the Ann Olson Memorial Doctoral Scholarship, which awards $5,000 and $7,500 to students enrolled in (or applying to) a PhD, DNSc, or DNP nursing degree program. Applicants must hold a current registered nurse license.
3. Nursing Education Forgivable Loan, PhD/DNP
The Nursing Education Forgivable Loan program is designed to fix Mississippi’s nursing shortage by offering educational benefits to nursing students seeking a PhD or DNP degree. Awards are for an annual amount of $5,000 for up to two academic years for full-time students. Part-time students are eligible to receive $10,000 spanning four calendar years. The loan can be forgiven in exchange for one year of full-time teaching or providing nursing services in Mississippi.
4. Nursing Education Forgivable Loan RN to BS
The Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid supports the Nursing Education Forgivable Loan RN to BS program to encourage students seeking a bachelor’s degree in nursing at the State of Mississippi. The annual award is up to $4,000, not to exceed two calendar years. Applicants should hold a minimum 2.5 GPA, be enrolled at an accredited nursing school, and have a current Mississippi nursing license.
5. Nursing Education Forgivable Loan MSN
The Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid offers fellowships to applicants pursuing a master’s in nursing at a qualified Mississippi college. Awards include $1,000 per month, up to one calendar year. In exchange, fellows must agree to work as a nurse in Mississippi or teach at an accredited nursing school. Applicants should be enrolled in a suitable graduate program, possess a cumulative 3.0 GPA, and hold a nursing license in the state.
6. UTUIA College Scholarship
The United Transportation Union Insurance Association (UTUIA) serves the transportation industry by offering 50 $2,000 scholarships each year to qualified students. These awards are renewable for up to four years, based on fall term enrollment verification. Applicants should be 25 years old or less, enrolled in at least 12 credit hours of classes, and have a UTUIA insurance policy or be the child or grandchild of a policyholder.
7. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Health Outcomes Research
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Foundation is on a mission to provide educational funding for medical professionals. Its generous Postdoctoral Fellowship in Health Outcomes Research award offers $55,000 a year for two years to students who want to improve health outcomes research in nursing and other health-related fields. There are several application components, including an applicant biosketch, extended letter, and a research project abstract.
8. Oncology Nursing Foundation General Research Grant
The Oncology Nursing Foundation supports education, research, and leadership development for nurses in the field. It offers a $50,000 award for over two years, with preference given to those promoting theoretically-based oncology practice. Listed focus areas are
- Symptom Science in Immunotherapy and Emerging Therapies in Precision Health and Biosignatures
- Health Disparities
- Palliative and Psychosocial Oncology Care
Applicants must be registered nurses involved with cancer patient care, education, or research.
9. Thermo Fisher Scientific Antibody Scholarship
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.’s mission is to enable customers to “make the world healthier, cleaner, and safer.” Its Antibody Scholarships provides awards of $5,000 to $10,000 to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing careers in the life sciences. Applicants must major in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, or related life sciences and should hold a cumulative 3.0 GPA.
10. NurseRecruiter Scholarship
NurseRecruiter.com is an online job platform for nurses and their employers aimed at attracting highly qualified candidates. The company awards scholarships of $10,000 to individuals ready to pursue advanced education in the nursing field. Applicants must be enrolled (or admitted) in an accredited college program approved by a state board of nursing.
11. NLN Scholarly Writing Program
The NLN Scholarly Writing Program is designed to assist nurse educators in improving their writing abilities and to effectively share their research findings and other scholarly work through publications. To achieve success, it is important to set a goal of completing at least one manuscript and submitting it to a chosen journal within the program's duration. For additional information, please visit the NLN website.
12. NLN Foundation Scholarship Awards
The National League for Nursing (NLN) Foundation has a 125-year history of involvement in nursing education. Its annual scholarship of up to $8,000 is offered to qualified nurses pursuing careers as nurse educators. Applications are limited to NLN members; applicants must be enrolled in an accredited graduate program and provide the following:
- Description of their need, purpose and program
- Graduation timeline
- Goals
- Letters of recommendation
- A budget
- A biosketch
13. Minnesota Nurses in Long Term Care Loan Forgiveness Program
Minnesota’s Loan forgiveness program helps recruit professionals to serve in areas where they’re most needed. The Long Term Care Loan Forgiveness Program provides repayment amounts of $6,000 per year to qualified nurses. These funds are only good for Qualified Educational Loans such as government loans to cover tuition. Loans cannot be in default status, and awardees must agree to practice in “a licensed nursing home, housing with services establishment, home care” or similar environment for at least two years.
14. Sigma/Oncology Nursing Society Foundation Grant
As part of its goal to promote clinically-related oncology nursing research, the Sigma/Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Foundation grants up to $25,000 to qualified nurses working in fields of cancer patient care, education, or related research. Funded jointly by the Sigma Foundation for Nursing and the Oncology Nursing Society Foundation, the awards are given to applicants who hold a PhD or DNSc and who are ideally Sigma members.
15. Sigma Theta Tau International/American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Critical Care Grant
The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and Sigma Theta Tau International have teamed up to provide one up to $10,000 grant a year to support a nurse conducting vital research in critical nursing practice fields. Applicants should be members of either AACN or Sigma Theta Tau International and must submit proposals “relevant to high acuity and critical care nursing practice and address one or more of AACN’s research priority areas.”
16. ENA Foundation & Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. Research Grant
The Emergency Nurses Association Foundation and Sigma Theta Tau International have partnered to provide a grant of up to $6,000 to students who are “advancing research for the specialized practice of emergency nursing.” ENAF also features a $50,000 Health Disparities Research Grant in collaboration with the Emergency Medicine Foundation. There’s even a COVID-19 Relief Fund “supporting emergency nurses amid the coronavirus pandemic.”
17. Sigma Small Grants
The Sigma Foundation for Nurses offers grants of up to $5,000 to promote the advancement of nursing research. Awards are given out to qualified, licensed registered nurses with a master’s or higher. Applicants submit a research project package and agreement; projects that are aimed at helping marginalized populations are given preference during the review process. Sigma awards between 10 – 15 small grants each year.
18. Sigma/Association of periOperative Registered Nurses Nurses Grant
Sigma and the Association of periOperative Nurses (AORN) fund an annual grant award of up to $5,000 for a student researching perioperative nursing science. Any relevant research topic is eligible for consideration, but priority areas include refinement of the Perioperative Nursing Data Set, evidence-based practice, safety issues, and more. Applicants must be licensed registered nurses with a master’s degree or higher. Membership is not required.
19. Indiana Health Care Long-Term Care Scholarships
Indiana Health Care Foundation’s Long-Term Care Scholarships are for up to $5,000, granted to eligible state residents enrolled in a participating institution in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, or Michigan. These scholarships offer “financial support to individuals seeking to improve skills” in the related area. Applicants must have a 2.5 minimum GPA.
20. Nursing Economic$ Foundation Scholarship
The Nursing Economic$ Foundation Scholarship is provided to help advance leadership in the wide world of healthcare. Each year the foundation issues four awards up to $5,000 to students who are in an accredited graduate nursing program and plan to pursue a career in “nursing administration, management, leadership, or education.” Applicants must be registered nurses and agree to use the scholarship to pay tuition and school-related fees, not including housing.
21. FHE Health Hope for Healing Scholarship
Offered by the Florida House Experience, the Hope for Healing Scholarship encourages students who want to train for careers that help addiction and mental health patients. $5,000 awards go to qualified undergraduate and graduate applicants studying mental/behavioral health, nursing, or addiction medicine. Graduate candidates must have a 3.0 GPA; undergrads require at least a 3.5 GPA. Funds are paid directly to the winners’ schools.
22. Healthcare Heroes Scholarship
IntelyCare is a healthcare staffing and scheduling platform that helps nurses pick up shift work. The app service’s Healthcare Heroes Scholarship supports the educational endeavors of nurses who, as frontline workers, risk their lives during the COVID pandemic. One $5,000 prize is given to a student pursuing a nursing degree. Applications are submitted via an online form on the company’s website, and applicants simply list their program information then write about their motivation and reasons for entering the profession.
23. Sigma/National League for Nursing Grant
Sigma Theta Tau offers numerous scholarship opportunities such as the National League for Nursing Grant of up to $5,000 awarded to registered nurses involved in “research that advances the science of nursing education and learning through the use of technology in dissemination of knowledge.” Applicants are required to hold a graduate degree or be enrolled in a doctoral nursing program and provide evidence that the proposed study has been approved by their dissertation or scholarly project committee and that IRB approval has been obtained, where applicable.
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